JH/High School
Our Philosophy of Education
We believe that learning is a continuous, life long endeavor that prepares students to accept responsibility for self, family, community, county, and thus become positive contributing members to our changing global society. Further, we believe that education is not simply the development and refinement of mental capacity, but also a life-long process that assists students in their own individual physical, social, aesthetic, emotional, and moral needs. Therefore, with the resources available it is the responsibility of the Hyde School District and the community to provide a comprehensive curriculum. which includes academic, vocational, the arts, moral, technical, and extra-curriculum activities that will guide the students in the many and varied educational experiences so that they have the opportunity to develop into wholesome, happy and productive members of society.
These educational outcomes can best be attained through mutual respect and a joint cooperative effort of students, parents, staff, administration, board of education, and the total community that motivates students to reach their highest potential and encourage the desire for life-long learning.
We believe that each student is a unique individual with his/her own capabilities, interests, and background. We believe that the school must make every effort to accommodate the special needs and individual differences among its students.
We believe that while the total staff of the school system constitutes a lasting force in the development of the students, the most important factor in the learning process is the teacher. The Hyde School District has high regard for its teachers. Therefore; the teacher must possess and demonstrate qualities of dedication, enthusiasm, sensitivity, and professionalism. It is primarily the teacher's responsibility to provide the learning environment in the school that fosters maximum student growth and reflects individual differences through good study habits, techniques, and positive experiences.