Our Philosophy of Education
We believe that learning is a continuous, life-long endeavor that prepares students to accept responsibility for self, family, community, country, and thus become positive contributing members to our changing global society. Further, we believe that education is not simply the development and refinement of mental capacity, but also a life-long process that assists students in their own individual physical, social, aesthetic, emotional, and moral needs.
Our Mission Statement
Succeed in education
Care about character
Hold onto dreams
Obtain highest potential
Open their minds
Love to learn
What Can I, As a Parent, Do to Help My Child at School?
Show an interest in the child’s work.
Become acquainted with the child’s teacher.
Check closely on the child’s physical condition including regular dental and physical examinations.
Provide the child with a healthful, stable home environment so that he/she will be free from physical and emotional strain.
Insist that the child observe good health practices, especially adequate sleep and rest on nights preceding a school day, and moderation in viewing evening television programs.
Take pride in an excellent school attendance record of the child.
Encourage the child to work up to the limit of his capabilities.
Assist the child in developing his/her reading interests.
Cooperate with the school to establish desirable attitudes toward school life.
Avoid criticism of the school programs and personnel before the child.
Respond promptly to requests for parent-teacher conferences.
Teach the child respect for property, particularly public property.
Help the child to become a constructive and desirable school and community citizen.