May 2016 Agenda

Highmore-Harrold School District #34-2

School Board Agenda May 9, 2016

I.                    Call to Order (7:00 PM)

II.                  Approve/Amend Agenda

III.                Approve minutes of April 11th Board meeting and Special May 2nd Board Meeting

IV.                Approve Bills and Financial Reports.

V.                  Public Input

VI.                Reports and discussion items:

A.      Superintendent’s Report

1.        FCCLA, FFA, FBLA Student Reports

2.        Capital Outlay Discussion/City Council Meeting

a.       Basket Supports and Shot Clocks

3.        Open Staff Positions for 2016-17

4.        City Council Meeting

5.        Architect Firm Interviews May 16th starting at 4:00 PM

B.      Principal’s Report

1.       Principal’s Monthly Review

2.       Upcoming Activities

C.      Business Manager’s Report

1.       Discussion of 2015-16 year-end budget possible transfers (Food Service and Internal Fund)

2.       Discussion of 2016-17 budget

3.       Motion to Approve Workman’s Comp Insurance with Associated School Boards of South Dakota for $16,741.00

VII.              Old Business

A.      Motion to Approve Negotiated Agreement Final Draft

B.      Contract Discussions—Bridgett Ambur (requesting retirement), Jory Schmidt asked to an additional 10 days for summer contract because of the added computers

C.      Motion to approve Certified, Classified, and Administrative contracts for 2016-17 school year

VIII.            New Business

A.      Motion to change credit card limit from $4,000.00 to $10,000.00

B.      Motion to change Building and Grounds Member—Jim Stephenson to replace Kris Rittel

C.      Motion for (1) Open SDHSAA Board of Director Candidate Positions

D.      Motion to for SDHSAA Constitutional Amendment Change

E.       Motion to approve diplomas of seniors that meet the graduation requirements of the South Dakota State Board of Education and the Highmore-Harrold Board of Education

F.       Motion to Approve 12 OT Hours for Ryan Sheffield covering for other custodian

G.     Motion to Accept resignation of Brian Marso for JHBBB contingent on finding suitable replacement

IX.                Next Regular Board Meeting (Monday June 13, 2016 at 7:00 PM)

X.                   Motion to Adjourn

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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