June 2016 Agenda

Highmore-Harrold School District #34-2

School Board Agenda June 13, 2016

I.                    Call to Order (7:00 PM)

II.                  Approve/Amend Agenda

III.                Approve minutes of May 2, 2016 Special Board Meeting, and May 9, 2016 Regular Board Meeting

IV.                Approve Bills and Financial Reports.

V.                  Public Input

A.       Indians Policies Procedures Forum

VI.                Reports and discussion items:

A.       Superintendent’s Report

1.        Building and Grounds Update

2.        Job Openings Update

3.        Pre-School Plan for 2016-17 school year

B.       Principal’s Report

1.       Principal’s Monthly Review

2.       High School Handbook 2016-17—No changes/Motion to Approve

3.       Elementary Handbook 2016-17—No Changes/Motion to Approve

C.       AD Report

1.    Shot Clock Update

2.    Football/Homecoming game next fall

D.       Business Manager’s Report

1.       Discussion of 2015-16 year-end budget possible transfers

a.        Motion to transfer approximately $4,500 to Internal Fund (more fixed number by Meeting)

b.       Motion to approve GF transfer approximately $12,000 to Close Food Service for 2015-16 School year (more fixed number by meeting)

2.       Discussion of 2016-17 budget

a.        Motion to approve 1st Reading of Preliminary Budget

b.       Thoughts about what you want to do with CO Levy this upcoming year

VII.              Old Business

A.       Motion to Approve resignation of Melony Ellsworth as FB, GBB, and BBB Cheerleader Advisor

VIII.            New Business

A.       Motion to Approve Architect Firm from Building Grounds Committee Interviews (Upper Deck, Civil Design Inc, Puetz, or HKG Architects)

B.       Motion to Approve Quinton Cermak as Superintendent for 2016-17 School Year with a salary of $70,000

C.       Motion to Approve Grant VanderVorst as PK-6 Principal/Special Education Director for 2016-18 School Years with a salary of $60,000

D.       Motion to Approve Assistant BBB Coaching contract with Scott Pekarek for 2016-17

E.        Motion to Accept Resignation of Melissa Todd

F.        Free School Breakfast/Lunch for employees supervising during breakfast/lunch duty (possible Motion)

G.       Motion to purchase 11 passenger van from Jan Busse Ford for $23,000 and Surplus 1994 (brown) Chevy Suburban and sell via sealed bids to be opened Thursday June 30th at 12:00 PM. Any or all bids can be rejected.

IX.                Next Regular Board Meeting (Monday July 13, 2016 at 7:00 PM)

A.       Motion to Change July Meeting Date

X.                  Motion to Adjourn 

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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