August 2015 Agenda

Highmore-Harrold School District #34-2

School Board Agenda August 10, 2015

I.                    Call to Order (7:00 PM)

II.                  Approve/Amend Agenda

III.                Approve minutes of July 13th Board meeting.

IV.                Approve Bills and Financial Reports.

V.                  Public Input

VI.                Reports and discussion items:

A.      Superintendent’s Report

1.      FBLA/FCCLA Student Reports (Katlyn Hague)

2.      USD Governor’s Camp Report (Madison Bollweg)

3.      Teacher reports on Autism Training (Mrs. Janie Pratt)

4.      English Teacher opening update **Amended to Offer/Accept Contract to Patrick Mullen

B.      Principal’s Report

1.      Enrollment numbers/JH/HS Schedules

2.      Summer School Report

3.      AD Report/Preliminary Numbers (Mr. Mike Ring)

C.      Business Manager’s Report

1.      Auditor Report, Fund Balance Report, Reserves Discussion

2.      Capital Outlay & Pension Levy Tax Request Letter

3.      Motion to Approve Final 2015-16 Budget

  **Amended for motion to close petty cash account normally held for postage

VII.              Old Business

A.      Starting new search for Asst and/or JH Wrestling Coach

B.      Seeking bids for some sidewalk work

VIII.            New Business

A.      Football COOP discussion

                i.      Motion to enter into COOP with…

B.      Motion to accept Property/liability Insurance quote

C.      Motion to accept Beth Aasby resignation from her aide position

D.     Motion to accept contract for Justin Bonnichsen Head BBB Coach

E.      Motion to Offer/Accept contract with Kylee Rinehart for JHGBB Coach

F.       Motion to Offer/Accept JHGBB coach to **Amended to Strike-through

G.     Offer/Accept contract for Special Ed Aide (Sonja Bourke)

H.     Offer/Accept contract for Student Council Advisor to Chelsey Poeppel

I.        Offer/Accept contract for JH Science Fair Advisor to Jackie Knox and amend Brita Bergeson’s contract to take off her JH Science Fair Advisor

J.        Motion to Approve meal per diem and mileage rate for 2015-16 school year .42 per mile in personal vehicle when school vehicle is not available. .23 per mile when a school vehicle is available. Meals per diem is $6.00 for breakfast, $11.00 for lunch, and $15.00 for dinner

K.      Motion to surplus replaced camera equipment & wiring to be properly disposed

L.       Motion to surplus Mr. Schmidt’s computer textbooks to be properly disposed

M.    Motion to surplus 59 laptop computers to be properly disposed

N.     Motion to surplus FACS equipment to be properly disposed **Amended to Strike-through

IX.                September Meeting (Monday  September 14 , 2015 at 7:00 PM)

X.                  Motion to Adjourn 

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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