FCCLA Week 2016

Monday, February 8, 2016

FCCLA Week 2016

 National FCCLA Week will take place February 7-13, 2016, and will feature the following themes for each day:

 Monday, February 8 – “Media Monday” (media outreach/media blitz) – EMPOWERED TO RAISE OUR VOICES FCCLA members will use this day to reach out to our local media and share some stories from your school or chapter. Use hashtags #lovefccla or #hhsfcclaweek.  There will be a photo booth by the FACS room!

Tuesday, February 9 – “Team Tuesday”– POWER OF PARTNERSHIP As we know how important teamwork is in FCCLA, we would like to take today to wear our Pirate Gear in honor of our sports teams!  Today will also be the silent heart game!

 Wednesday, February 10 – “We Wear Red Wednesday” (member pride/member recognition) – TURNING “ME” INTO “WE”

You’ll definitely want to wear red on this day! We will recognize the members in our chapter and the impact our chapter has on our school and local community.

 Thursday, February 11 – “Thankful Thursday” (#WhyWeLoveFCCLA) – HOW HAS FCCLA EMPOWERED YOU?

This is a great day to take to social media and share a personal FCCLA story. How and why did you get involved? What is the best part of being a member of FCCLA, and how has the organization shaped your thinking, your college or career readiness, and your life? Be sure to tag your posts #WhyWeLoveFCCLA so the national office can share your story and help empower others!  We will also be thanking all members and supporters of Highmore FCCLA!

2024 Highmore-Harrold School District
415 Iowa Ave South, PO Box 416
Highmore, SD 57345
High School (605) 852-2275
Elementary (605) 852-2276
Fax (605) 760-8449

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